Thursday, August 30, 2012


Yesterday, my Danish Language and Culture class went on a tour of Christiania. For all of you who don't know, Christiana is a part of Copenhagen that has been self proclaimed an an independent nation for years now. There's a very long history behind the area, but basically now its a place known for its legal hash market (and only really legal by the Christiania standards, not the laws of Copenhagen). We got to meet up with our tour guide, named Joger, who has lived in Christiania for over 20 years. He showed us all around where people build their own homes and live, and also showed us some of the shops and businesses in the area. Its a very free spirited, I guess you could say 'hippie' place, but all of the locals seem to be devoted to the same values. Nobody owns any land and they live by a strange set of rules that mostly involve being calm people who are devoted to their community. It is definitely a huge separation from what the rest of the city of Copenhagen looks like and represents, but was well worth the visit.

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